Human Directed Aggression

This class is taught always by Judy Moore, PDT-KA:

Has your dog bitten someone?  Do you know if the bite is considered a level one or level four?  Does your dog growl when guests arrive?  Has your dog lunged at a person when on a leash?  Do you know if your dog is truly Fear Aggressive or only territorial?  Knowing the difference will make a huge difference in your training success.

I know as I have owned both fear aggressive dogs as well as highly territorial dogs.  Owning a dog that displays aggression towards people and or children is not for everyone, however you should know their is specific training for you and your dog!

Your success depends on going at your dogs pace, staying at or below his threshold for success and allowing your dog to learn that he CAN be more in control of his own consequences.

Before you contact me or another certified trainer, please avoid having people approach and toss treats.  While this technique may work for some dogs, for many dogs, the idea of a person approaching them when they are confined by a tight leash is way over the dogs threshold, you may actually see your dog become worse rather than better.

The scottie you see in these photos is my very own Sophie, she had been through 3 homes before I worked with her and ultimately adopted her at age 5.  She had a long  bite history and had 2 police reports.  Her destiny was bleak to say the least.  I began a long process of Counter Conditioning her association to people and kids.  Sophie became a thinking dog rather than a reacting dog when in public.  I also changed her food and increased her physical and mental exercise.  After 18 months of training, Sophie passed the Canine Good Citizen Certification.  Quite an accomplishment for a dog at age 7!

So, I understand where you are and how to help you and your furry friend.

This is a 6 week course, and the fee is $150.

Limit 4 dogs per class and is only taught at Poetic Gold Farm, Falmouth me.

Required – completion of a one-on-one evaluation or another 6 week class.

Muzzled rescue scottie - age 5.

Muzzled rescue scottie – age 5.

Same scottie as above - 18 months later.

Same scottie as above – 18 months later.

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